Yesterday, the 26 of April, Lylevetta Love It was butchered. =( That afternoon we went out there to play with the girls and we noticed that her duct was covered in blood. We thought she might have poked her but on something sharp, but upon further inspection we saw that she had her insides sticking out of her duct, known as a prolasped oviduct or blow out! We cleaned it up, put some cool water on it and tried to push it back in, however it wouldn't stay, and you can see where the tissue had been damaged from exposure and the other hens picking at her. We were hoping that it would go back in when then swelling goes down, but the other hens were ruthless and harrassing her non-stop. Saddly we decided to put her out of her suffering and we butchered her.
We let her out to forage one last time all by herself where she could gorge on grubs and worms, and them Glen come and got her. Glen said she went quickly and looked like she went to sleep. He cleaned her up and prepared her and he said it was really easy and quick. He tossed her in the oven when I went to class and when I got home, we made some mashed potatoes, green beans and stew veggies. Kathren was a bit upset about the whole thing, but eventually came around. She kept telling Glen she wanted to keep her feet! Yuck! I was thinking a feather would have been more appropriate, but luckily she forgot all about it after dinner.
It was bitter sweet, but we agreed that the ladies were for eggs then meat. Lylevetta got to live a nice life while she was here, spoiled on treats, got free time to forage, dig and be a bird. She had fresh air, clean cage, fresh water, feed and sunshine every day! She had a good life with us here, gave us plenty of eggs and made us wonderful meal. We are greateful for her for giving us that.
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