Sunday, April 10, 2011

Eggs already!!

   Everything we've read said that after a stressful expierence don't expect for the hens to lay for a couple of day. Evidently, the move for the ladies must not have been that stressful, the girls gave us two eggs right off the bat the next morning. They were eating and drinking and starting to take an interest in us, especially after some tastey bread chunks. They seem to adapt quickly. They were a bit calmer around us when we went in the coop and seemed to be interested in just about everything we were doing.
   Right off the batt we got know the largest one in flock, and named her Faddy. She was HEAVY, missing some feathers around her bottom (where the White  Leghorn was plucking  her) and her feet were swollen, scaley and reddned.  The rest of her plumage is beautiful and a light buff color.It seemed like it was uncomfortable for her to walk, but she got around just fine when she thought you had a snack. She is on the Right next to the coop!
   Then there is Lylletta Love-It, her comb abit rose comb and flopped over to one side. She is the thrid largest, with some dark lacing on her buff feathers around her neck. She is a mouch, she loves to take snacks out of your hand, and isn't shy about it. She has very nice plumage and feet, and her head dress was very clean.
   Next we have Blondie, she is a beautiful blonde coloring all over. She is one of the smaller ones, and her comb was a bit tattered from other birds picking on her. Her legs and plumage were very nice, and her light blonde coloring is just beautiful. This is Blondie on the right and Faddy on the left.
   Now we have White Cheeks, who is petitie just like Blondie, but she has white patches on her cheeks. She is the lowes and most flightines of them all. She is on the right closest to the coop!
   Next is Biggie, she is the second biggest and has more of a darker buff on her plumage. She is not as sociable as the the others, and has the most beautiful comb on her head, almost looks like  a rooster. She too is missing some feathers around her bottom like Faddy, but her feet are in much better shape. Biggie is the one up front and Faddy is in the background, think they are buddies!
   Then we have Rosi, who is another petite girl, in a medium buff color, nice plumage and feet and and a cute little rose comb that sits tight on top of her head. Rosi is in the front on the far right closest to the house.
   The first Dominique is a larger female, slight rose comb, beautiful pulumage, clean feet and head dress. She is higher on the pecking order. She is pictured here comming out of the nest box, the lighter egg of the two is hers!
   The final bird, is the smallest of them all, she is a very petite Dominique, beautiful plumage, feet and a cute little rose comb, slightly picked on but she is low on the pecking order. She has the most regal neck and head carriage and is probably the pretties bird we've got.
   Over the week we've dusted and treated them for scaley mites in the event that is whats messing up their feet, and treated them for intestional parasites. They have adjusted to us nicely. Glen has also made adjustment to the coop, putting on a good roof and making a perch ladder for them.
   We've let them out a bit for free time in the yard, and they were so excited to find the worms, and found the majority of them  in out back porch area next to their coop and they are obsessed with them.  They love apple chunks, oatmeal, honey nut cherrios, bread, fresh grass pickings and V8 juice (Lylletta and Faddy hog it all)! Glen is always out there hanging out with the ladies and scoping for eggs. In the first week they have given us over a dozen of eggs, but you'd never know it because Glens egg breakfasts! =)

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